John Mayer Gives A Tearful Apology In Nashville For His ‘Playboy’ Interview

After his interview in the upcoming issue of Playboy Magazine, John Mayer has realized he was hitting the edge of his character once again.

In the March issue of Playboy surfaced yesterday—where he describes Jessica Simpson as “sexual napalm” and drops the N bomb when discussing his African-American fanbase—the 32-year-old rocker apologized last night on stage at Nashville’s Sommet Center.

“In the quest to be clever I completely forgot about the people that I love and the people that love me,” Mayer said during a five-minute apology in which he teared up at certain points. Watch Mayer attempt to pull the foot out of his mouth below.

The singer admitted that he’s fallen “into a whirlpool of selfishness and greenness and arrogance, and thinking that if I would just continue to be speedy and witty and pull together as many fast words and phrases as I could, that I could be clever enough to buy myself another day without thinking that anybody would finally pin me down and say, ‘you’re a creep’.”